How can I stop my neighbour’s dog barking?

Excessive barking is distressing for everyone, the dog and the dog owner included. If you are a neighbour and your neighbour’s dog is barking excessively, be polite about the issue and offer your help.  Together, discuss how to best solve the problem.  Agree to assist your dog owner neighbour providing them with a schedule for a week on the following:

  • Times and dates of dog barking
  • Possible causes: is it the whole day or night at absolutely nothing or is it directly after the owner leave their home/property or when they arrive.

What is the most effective way to stop dog barking?

To successfully treat your dog’s excessive barking and the key to peace and quiet is to identify and understand the underlying causes of the barking.

Dog barking or dog noise pollution is a great factor in today’s modern living.  This can lead to major disagreements with frustrated neighbours and costly legal bills.  Dog barking is a normal behaviour, a natural way for dogs to communicate with each other and with their owners. 

It is when this normal barking becomes excessive. That is when you have a situation on hand which needs your urgent attention.  

The biggest causes of excessive barking are the following:

  • Boredom and Mental Inactivity
  • Loneliness
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Miscommunication
  • Discomfort
  • Teasing
  • Over excitement / over-stimulation
  • Neglect
  • Cruel treatment
  • Lack of stimulation
  • Stress
  • Emotional stress

How do I complain about a neighbour’s barking dog?

Be polite about the issue and offer your help to your neighbour.  Discuss the situation calmly and agree to provide your neighbour with information about the dog’s barking pattern for at least a week in order to establish the excessive barking pattern. 

Most of the time dog owners realized they do have a situation in hand but do not always know how to handle the situation or what to do.  Other times dog owners might be at work and do not know about their dog’s excessive barking. You can also kindly suggest our training in order to establish the cause of excessive barking

How long can a dog bark legally in Cape Town?

Excessive barking is defined as any dog that barks for more than six minutes in an hour or barks for more than three minutes in any half-hour.

How much does dog training cost in Durbanville Cape Town?

Before we get into how our dog training will increase your relationship with your dog, we want to share with you pricing so you can think with it while we show you our dog training testimonials.  Investment starts from R1500+ depending on your dog and your family’s needs and requirement. 

Great dog owners know that continued training for their dogs determines future dog-owner/dog relationship success.  Allow us to show you why we are the number one solution in the marketplace and how we can increase your dog-owner/dog relationship.  What dog problems are you looking to solve? How can we help you? CLICK HERE to read more and enroll your dog.

How often should you do obedience training for dogs?

Your dog will go through different stages in life and this is not something to be worried or anxious about.  Instead it is something to become energized and excited about.  The more you train your dog, the more results you achieve.

Is it too late to obedience train my dog?

It is never too late to start anything in life.  We’ll never say it is an easy task to start training your dog but you will be glad you did and you will enjoy it.  Starting training is about winning half the battle you might experience with your dog.  A widespread problem is putting off dog training with an excuse of no-time and having regrets about it later.  If you do not have time for dog training it means your dog and dog training are not your priority.

When it comes to your dog’s training and doing something about it, first clarify if that is your priority.  If so, the very next step to take is to contact us here and enroll your dog

You will always find time for the things most important to you.

How do I get my 8-week old puppy to stop biting?

Puppy biting/mouthing/chewing is normal for an 8-week old pup.  Puppies use their mouths to explore and feel their new world around them.  Puppies teeth from the age of about 2 months till 6 months which is a huge factor for puppy biting/mouthing/chewing.  Always keep an eye open for any puppy excessive or destructive biting/chewing/mouthing behaviour.  CLICK HERE fill out the contact us form and allow us to help you with your puppy through this very critical stage of his/her life in order to prevent long-term obsessive and bad behaviour.

How do you house train your dog?

Dogs are not born knowing where to go potty.  You have to show and supervising them.

At what age should you take your puppy for training?

NOW is the right time!!  You can start training your puppy immediately at the comfort of your own home with us.  CLICK HERE AND ENROLL YOUR PUPPY NOW!

How long should training sessions be for puppies?

The answer is not that simple.  Training sessions can last anywhere from a few seconds, thirty or forty minutes, an hour, depending on what you teaching.  Of course your puppy is going to have some say in this matter too on how long these training sessions last. 

What kind of training is best for a puppy?

It is always fair to give your puppy a day or two to adjust after arrival at your home before starting obedience training. Every dog is different and not all things work for all dogs.  Different dogs react differently to a new environment and training.

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