
Choose the right dog for you and your family

Often I hear people and families choose a specific dog breed purely from the point of view they’ve always had that specific dog breed since childhood. These families share with me how they know that specific dog breed and how it always worked for them. At the same time, I find myself sitting in front […]

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Why do dogs try to jump on you or on other people?

Are you welcomed like royalty by your dog the moment you arrived home? It’s not that you have been away for months. Or perhaps YOU are the visitor and on arrival you are overwhelmed by a dog jumping up on you . . . . so much so that you find it almost impossible to […]

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Choosing the best dog for you and your family is a very personal decision.

How to Get the Right Dog for Your Family Your dog should be compatible with your family’s lifestyle, living situation and living environment. . . . OR is it the other way around . . . . YOU AND YOUR FAMILY should be compatible with your dog, especially a purebred. When a dog is purebred, […]

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Dog Separation Anxiety solutions

Here’s an introduction on how to help a dog with separation anxiety. It is important to eliminate all the real possible causes for your dog’s digging, excessive barking and chewing. Executive Dog Training can definitely help you with how to break your dog’s separation anxiety. All you have to do is to contact me, Jeanette […]

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How to stop dog from chewing things when left alone

Chewing is a normal and healthy activity for your dog to do when it is not destructive. It is always very important to understand why your dog is chewing things in the first place. One thing is for sure: REMEMBER that your dog is not angry at you when he is chewing your shoes, furniture […]

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Eating too Fast is Bad for your Dog

When puppies or adult dogs gulp their food too quickly they do not even taste it or chew their food. This is a first danger that your dog could choke or gag on his food if he swallows his food whole without chewing it. Do you have a dog eating too fast and choking? Realize […]

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Why is my dog digging holes all of a sudden?

Some reasons why dogs dig might surprise you! Digging is either the product of a natural instinct OR your dog has learned to be an Award Winner for Best Landscaper on Planet Earth. Digging is what dogs do if they had to live in the wild. A pregnant dog would dig a hole, called denning, […]

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Understand why your dog is Barking Excessively

Why is the dog barking? To successfully treat your dog’s excessive barking and the key to peace and quiet is to identify and understand the underlying causes of the barking. Dog barking or dog noise pollution is a great factor in today’s modern living. This can lead to major disagreements with frustrated neighbors and costly […]

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Advantages of Having a Well Trained Dog or Puppy

The Great advantages of having well trained Dog & Puppy…..It will Make your Life so much easier and enjoyable to start with In this article we would like to discuss the benefits of having a well trained K9. Have a look at this info and remember to Call us on 072 479 8103 for any […]

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Can Older Dogs Be Trained?

Dear Dog Lover…. After several years of doing obedience training and getting outstanding results for all of our clients. We have decided to share more of the questions we get on a regular basis. If you would to see our Testimonials page then just go here. Here you will see clients from all over South […]

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